A clean-cut looks good and feels good but sometimes all this is pushed aside by a persistent itchy stingy irritation around the newly shaved areas like the neck and the face. These razor burns are so uncomfortable. They are easily triggered by bad shaving procedures. This means if one crucial step is missed while shaving, we’re highly susceptible to razor burns. What causes these persistent irritations and how can we avoid them?
Naturally, the skin is made up of two layers. The top layer consists of old skin cells while the bottom layer has newly formed skin cells. Unlike women, men’s skin is exfoliated every time they shave. A regular shave can remove the top skin layer that consists of dead skin cells. Sometimes shaving can remove more than one layer of skin. This is not a bad thing because exfoliation is necessary to allow new skin cells to grow. Razor burns occur after the skin has been irritated due to shaving. This irritation is caused by several reasons like sensitive skin, unsterilized razors, bacteria, and excessive repetition of razor strokes.
Razor burns are not to be confused with razor bumps. The latter occurs when the hair grows back into the skin forming painful bumps. This happens mostly to Africans due to their naturally curly hair.
Now that we understand clearly what razor burns are, let’s delve deeper into ways that will prevent them.
Prepare for shaving:
Never shave a dry beard. Facial hairs are as hard as diamond but they also absorb moisture quickly. Before shaving, make sure you moisturize the beard. This makes the hairs weaken and makes the whole shaving process easier since you will use fewer razor strokes. While moisturizing is key, it is important to note that it is not advisable to use cold water when preparing for a shave. It is recommended to use warm water as it helps raise the hair follicles allowing the covered skin to be moisturized and easier to exfoliate during shaving.
Men can also use a facial scrub, and that is why we have facial scrubs for men. This is a step that most gentlemen will skip out of ignorance that this is a feminine tendency. Using scrub removes the dead skin cells and brings out ingrown hairs. This step is really important because it allows the razor to cut hair from the base with few razor strokes. Using facial scrub also helps loosen the facial hairs making it easier to shave with fewer scraps.
Use Quality Shaving Oil:
Good shaving creams do not foam up. When choosing shaving oils always go for the ones that are creamy and contain a lot of lubricants and moisturizers. Lubrication in oils is vital because when using a razor you need to use very little pressure to avoid cuts on your face. They also ease the movements while stroking. Moisture in shaving creams helps in maintaining the softness of the beard throughout the process. The methods used to applying shaving creams are important. A badger brush is one tool that helps in the application of shaving creams since it makes sure that even the little hairs are left standing and the cream is well spread out. For the best results, apply shaving cream and wait for about two minutes before you start scraping.
Use high-quality razor:
A sharp razor blade is one of the main tools that will definitely help us achieve a cleaner shave. A blunt razor blade will not only give you a hard time scraping off the facial hairs but it will also be traumatic. Some people will prefer razors with multiple blades while others will prefer the ones with a single blade. Whatever works for you, the sharpness really matters. Always change your razors regularly depending with the sharpness of the blade which is highly attributed by the hardness of your hairs and the shaving methods employed. It is advisable to change razors after about five shaving sessions.
Use right shaving techniques:
Your shaving technique should be defined by the direction of how your hair grows. This is what some people will refer to as, shaving with the grain of the hair. This means that you should start by shaving the sides then the mustache and lastly the chin. Failure to shave with the grain results to cuts, major razor burns and could also cause ingrown hairs in case the hair is cut below the skin level. Use less pressure and let the blade do its work, and this is another reason why you need to use sharp blades. Use short strokes to shave and rinse the blade with warm water regularly during shaving.
Clean your face properly after shaving:
When you’re done shaving, your skin is most vulnerable at that time. The pores are open, and bacteria could easily get in and cause inflammation and irritation. Clean your face thoroughly with warm water and antiseptics that have antibacterial compounds like tea tree oil. Rinse your face with cold water and then use a clean dry face towel. Cold water is crucial because it helps the open pores close. Follow this up by applying alcohol-free aftershave moisturizer. Aftershaves leave you smelling fresh and feeling refreshed though it doesn’t always work for everyone because of the little irritation they cause immediately after application. For those who can’t use aftershave moisturizers, they have an option of using balms which are milder. When looking for these products consider the ones with plenty of Vitamin E and aloe ve These compounds assist in keeping the skin moisturized for longer and fasten repair of the damaged skin cells.
Bottom line:
Razor burns can be a nuisance, but when you implement good shaving habits that can be a thing of the past. Now that you have gained some knowledge on how to prevent razor burns in advance, the next time you need to shave practice this and you’ll enjoy the smoothness without worrying about itchy irritations. It is also important to allow your hair to grow back before shaving again.